Anti-cellulite chinese cupping massage

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KOBIDO MASSAGE and AESTHETIC TAPING as a natural lifting!
It is a deep massage performed on the surface of the skin, which is derived from traditional Chinese medical principles. Slow movements are supposed to relax and unwind, while fast, deep movements stimulate the skin and the production of ingredients necessary to achieve a lifting effect. It is a natural alternative to invasive treatments such as botox or fillers.
In addition, to enhance the lifting effect, we use face taping, the so-called aesthetic kinesotaping.


Aesthetic kinesiotaping 50 PLN
Japanese massage – strongly lifting treatment  240 PLN
*package of 5 treatments 1,100 PLN
*package of 10 treatments 2,000 PLN
Kobido massage + aesthetic kinesiotaping 260 PLN
*package of 10 treatments  2,200 PLN